Free Chat Spin & Knit Event

Christine Booth
June 12, 2024
This image of a workshop shows serveral spinning wheels and people talking, Some people are serving morning tea and others are knitting and chatting.

Members of our Ringarooma Textiles Group hosted a day of laughter, sharing and learning over the Kings Birthday Weekend (Sunday 9th June 2024). We hosted 26 Tassie fibre enthusiasts from the West Coast, Huon, Geeveston, Launceston, Tamar Valley, Devonport, and Scottsdale.

The day was very organic - sort of a semi-organised chaos! But we (the hosts) were very pleased to see our guests mingling and chatting. One of our Ringarooma Textiles group commented that the event was relaxed and homely. It certainly was our aim to make everyone feel welcomed.

In fact, this lovely group of people made the day into a sucess for everyone!

And our participants said:

From Sallie:

Many thanks for a great day today. It was so good to visit your property and mingle with a friendly bunch of yarn enthusiasts. I learnt so much about alpacas and their fleece including preparation. I didn’t know there was such variation in colour!!! Or that it required so much preparation. Now I can’t wait to open up the bag of fleece I was given to see what it contains.
I’m sure most of us who attended the day have returned home full of inspiration and renewed purpose.
So once again - a big thankyou to you and your group for a lovely day.

From Cradle Winds Farm:

...thank you to the Ringarooma Group for the fantastic Alpaca Fibre Processing Field Day yesterday. It was so much fun and so interesting to see the alpaca fibre processed. Great to meet the alpacas in person too. The colours of the alpaca fibre were rich and beautiful.

Inside the workshop where the fibre is processed, there is a group of people.
Fleece processing
A group of people are out in the paddock meeting a small herd of alpacas
The stars of the day!

I think we can say that every person, and their dog thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

A young girl dressed in pink is cuddling a mini fox terrier dog.
Fraser farm dog was dog-tired at the end of the day

Please let us know if you would like us to host this event again - or if you have any ideas for us to host another event!

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