Free Chat, Spin & Knit Event
Sunday 8th June 2025 (RSVP only)

Tin Dragon Alpaca Fibre Processing Farm Day 2025
Are you interested in fibre arts? Then the Ringarooma Textiles Group welcomes you to join us at Tin Dragon Alpaca Farm for a field day of alpaca fibre processing, and chatting about fibre (wool, too). You will love this unique opportunity of spending the day combining your love of fibre art with practical demonstrations!
Where is the alpaca fibre field day?
Tin Dragon Cottages in North East Tasmania in the heart of North East Tasmania is a beautiful natural setting for a relaxing day out in the country. So, you will find your “inner fibre artist” in a relaxed, safe and creative environment. There are limited numbers, so we ask you to RSVP (contact details below).
Who should come?
Whether you are a very experienced spinner, a beginner, or want to start spinning – then this field day is perfect for you! Even, if you don’t want to spin your own yarn, but are interested to learn how it is done – this event is for you. If you are happy to chat and knit/crochet with a group of like-minded people, this day is for you, too!
What will we be doing?
After a warm welcome with morning tea (10 am) we will take a short walk to view the Tin Dragon Alpaca Fibre mini-mill. Christine will demonstrate how she washes, opens and cards alpaca fibre. You are invited to provide your own alpaca fleece for the opening (picking) demonstration. But, of course she can only process one or two alpaca fleeces on the day, so get in quick when you RSVP! (Please note that not all fleeces are suitable, so contact Christine if you wish to provide a fleece on the day).
The day will be very informal, depending on your interests. The Ringarooma Textiles group will have their spinning wheels and other spinning equipment set up and are happy to discuss with beginners how to start – or to have a general chat and spin or knit with you. So, bring your own project – either spinning, knitting or other fibre art.
Others may be interested to take a short tour of the Tin Dragon property. You can meet our alpacas, learn about local Chinese mining history, wander along the Ringarooma River or see how we generate power using a combination of micro-hydro and solar PV.
Pop-up fibre shop
Members of our Ringarooma Textiles Group will have some fleeces, including carded alpaca fleece, and hand-spun and hand-dyed yarns for sale.

Some hand-made items available for sale

The Ringarooma Textiles group will provide morning and afternoon tea and coffee. Please bring your own lunch and other drinks. Your lunch boxes and drinks can be kept in a fridge till you need them.
There are plenty of great picnic spots on the property, or you may just like to hang out on the deck or lounge area in our workshop!

RSVP for the Field Day
When you have your group organised (or if you are coming on your own), please RSVP by clicking on making an enquiry (button below).
Of course, you are also most welcome to contact us directly, too (; Christine (040 750 1137) or Cyndy (0435 350 364).
If you are not able to join us this time, you may like to send us your contact details, so that you can stay informed about future fibre events.
Need to stay overnight?
If you are travelling from further away, you may like to stay overnight. You are welcome to stay in your self-contained van on site (available for this event ONLY). Tin Dragon Cottages has 36 acres! You are also welcome to book one of the six cottages directly on our web page. After you RSVP you will be issued with a code that gives you a (one-off) 20% discount for one or more nights over the June long weekend.